Interview for Czech Exopolitics with EU MEP Francisco Guerreiro on how Europe is reacting to the UAP news – ENGLISH

Interview for Czech Exopolitics with EU MEP Francisco Guerreiro on how Europe is reacting to the UAP news – ENGLISH

Interview with EU MEP Francisco Guerreiro

Who is Francisco Guerreiro:

Function: member of the EU Parliament since 2019.

Party: European Green Party (EGP).

Born: 1984, Santiago do Cacém, Portugal.

Education: Coimbra Superior School of Education.



Interview for Czech Exopolitics:

1) Karel Rašín (Czech Exopolitics): Do you know if the Portugal government has any UAP research program – secret or public?

FG: I have no knowledge of any UAP research program, public or secret, by the Portuguese authorities, or in our country.

2) I am sure that 26. July 2023 hearing in U.S. Congress with whistleblower David Grusch have not missed you. He under oath testified the secret US Projects of reverse engineering of non-human artifacts having they in possession. Has any effort appeared in EU Parliament to support this activity to disclose/take openly UAP issues in Europe?

FG: The only effort made on UAPs in the European Parliament was made by me with several written questions to the European Commission, some plenary interventions on the topic and one public event in March. See links here:

3) 11. March 2024 you indicated in EU Parliament: „…the whole world is talking about it, American Congress is dealing with, but I didn’t heard about in EU Parliament any debate.“ Have you got any response for your words from anyone of members of EU Parliament?

FG: No. Maybe due to fear and the proximity of the European Elections but I know some MEPs have interest in the subject (off cameras).  

4) Do you think the new term UAP replacing the UFO and other new ones is supposed to destigmatize this area so that the scientists, political figure and others could easily deal with UAP seriously without derision? Could it be a helpful step or plan for Europe to begin take UAP issue as a fact?

FG: Yes. And it’s also more correct in terms of definition. The path in the European Union needs to be different from the US because we are not a federation. The Military is a Member State competence, however civil aviation and space exploration are mainly European subjects. 

5) American government established several public project to research UAP in the last years. For example, the last of them has been the AARO (All-Domain Anomaly Research Office) of DoD. In February 2024 AARO issued the long-expected report: „Report on the Historical Record of US Gov. Involvement with UAP, vol. 1.“ This Report has been the great disappointment for many expecting the break-through in 70 decades lasting cover-up. The Report conclusion has been strongly criticized and refused.

Do you think the Europe in this connection waits for what USA disclose and will not do the first step in any UAP European activity all by itself?

FG: The EU does not have a programme to analyze concretely UAPs in a broader spectrum and in a scientific matter. It has a flawed reporting system, mainly in civil aviation, however not unified with the space and sea area, as well as neither with the military. This also does not encompass the whistle-blower subject that needs further developments. The EU should not wait for anyone or any country to follow it how path.

6) The former chairman of EU Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said on Brussel meeting in 28. June 2016: „…I met and heard and listened to several of the leaders from other planets…“ However the official rewriting his speech has removed his „leaders from other planets“. Is there any official position in EU Parliament concerning UAP or such claims?

FG: No.

European Commission President Says he Spoke to Leaders of Other Planets about Brexit


7) Do you have any recommentadtion/advice how EU Parliament can openly without contamination of term UFO proceed/solve this issue legislatively as well, when establishes UAP research project?

FG: Continue to press the subject in the next mandate with the support of the civil and scientific community. There’s many options in the legislative path to push further the topic. The only thing needed is political will.

8) Do you think the UAP could pose a threat to national security? Thera are many witnesses in contact with benevolent ETs but they are not talked about?

FG: If extra-terrestrial technology is amongst us, we would not be able to do anything about it so our how perception of the phenomena is, mainly irrelevant to the outcome. Thus, we should always know more than less. Even our conception of benevolent may not be the same or complete in a broader view. Quick example: we are the only species that consciously destroying its how habitat and killing sentient beings for food, without the need, so could we be defined as benevolent? 

Click here for more:

Sincerely and then send me the link to the interview.

Francisco Guerreiro

Interview with this MP on the YouTube channel „Kámoši z Kosmu“ by Jan Procházka:
Francisco Guerreiro: UFO / UAP issues in the European Parliament | Interview | European Elections

Additions, more info:

Francisco Guerreiro has been very active on UAP issues in the EUP. See e.g. the question he put to the Commission on 31.1. 2024 –

UAP monitoring and reporting in the EU Space Law

Question for written answer  E-000318/2024 to the Commission; Rule 138, Francisco Guerreiro (Verts/ALE)

In September 2023, in her State of the Union address, President von der Leyen set out the Commission’s priorities for 2024. This included the intention to create an EU Space Law.[1]

This important initiative ‘envisages common EU rules addressing the safety, resilience and sustainability of space activities and operations’ has, however, a gap that needs to be filled in the pillar of security. Specifically the EU, currently lacks a harmonised and scientific system for the reporting of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).

This raises serious security concerns, which some other countries, notably the United States, have addressed. Considering this omission we would like to ask the Commission:

  • Why the preparatory work for the EU Space Law (EUSL) does not include a UAP monitoring and reporting system, given that UAP may pose a potential security threat, and such phenomena have been observed in space by trained personnel using precision instruments?
  • Whether it considers that UAP should be explicitly addressed in the space surveillance and tracking (SST) service, the SST Research and Development plan and the near-earth objects (NEO) service?
  • If the EUSL will envisage (in a similar way to NASA) an EU UAP Space Research programme headed by a research director?

Submitted: 31.1. 2024


Answer given by Mr Breton on behalf of the European Commission – 23.4. 2024

The envisaged EU space law focuses on safety, resilience and environmental measures related to space activities, aimed at establishing an internal market for space.

The inclusion of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) reporting system extends beyond the EU’s technological capabilities and the legal basis of the legislation.

The area of UAP is considered a competence of the Member States, allowing them to address these phenomena according to the national security needs.

For example, France, which has established the Group for Study and Information on Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (GEIPAN) [1]. It is therefore not included within the scope of the EU Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) [2] partnership services nor in the Near-Earth objects (NEO) activities [3].

The structure of EU space research activities is different from that of space agencies like National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

The EU supports research activities within the Horizon Europe Programme [4], based on calls for proposals on specific topics, including space related calls [5].


Prepared by: Karel Rašín – May 8, 2024; editor: D. Rašínová

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