The Analysis: Why Billy Meier’s Pleiadians lie and disinform
Exopolitics Journal, vol. 4, no. 1 (March 2012)
Exopolitics Tools and Methods for Extraterrestrial Contact
Table of Contents
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. “Introduction: Exopolitics Tools and Methods for Extraterrestrial
Contact (pp. 1-5)
D.J. Ballinger, M.A., (Captain, Ret’d) “On the Acceptance of Exopolitics,” (pp. 6-38)
Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera, B.A., “Extraterrestrial Contact and Integral Theory” (pp. 39-73)
Dana Rasinova, The Analysis: Why Billy Meier’s Pleiadians lie and disinform (pp. 74-106)
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D., „How Celestials are helping humanity prepare for Extraterrestrial
Contact and World Peace: An Exopolitics Perspective“ (pp. 107-25)
Wendy Flentri, B.A. “Crop circle phenomena and 2012,” (pp. 126-44)
Chief Editor
Michael Salla, Ph.D
Editorial Advisory Board
Manuel Lamiroy, Lic. Juris.
David Griffin, M.Sc.
Paola Harris, M.Ed.
Victor Viggiani, M.Ed.
Dana Rasinova is the author of the third article which gives an insider’s account of the famous Billy Meier case which she has been intimately involved with since 1997. According to David Griffin, who gives a brief editorial introduction:
Whilst some see aspects of the alien Other as containing an inherent ‘trickster’ element many others see the visiting ET presence as representing a higher form of intelligence and assume that this implies they are beyond reproach in their ethics and operation. In fact the situation is far more complex and this is why this particular examination of a highly complex Swiss contact case is long overdue and welcome.
Rasinova takes a novel approach in her analysis. She accepts the validity of Meier’s core claims of extraterrestrial contact, and goes on to examine the motivations of the Pleiadian/Plejaran entities that communicated with Meier. She finds numerous inconsistencies contradictions and distortions fed to Meier by his extraterrestrial contacts that lead to her conclusion that “the Pleiadians (Plejarans/Plejaren) … deliberately don’t tell us the truth.” Rather than benevolent space brothers wanting to help humanity with a positive uplifting philosophy, she finds instead very troubling assertions they made to Meier, and which he faithfully passed on (in his contactee notes. What emerges in Rasinova’s analysis is that while some extraterrestrial may look very human and have a positive philosophy to pass on in their communications with human contactees, they still may have a very deceptive agenda where “they explicitly and strategically lie, feign or disinform.” Rasinova’s analysis warns us about being too uncritical in our future or current dealings with extraterrestrials that may have a positive appearanceand things to say, but have a deceptive agenda filled with distortions, and outright lies.
The Analysis:
Why Billy Meier’s Pleiadians lie and disinform
Dana Rasinova (Czech Exopolitics)
The Czech Exopolitics Network brings the groundbreaking, in-depth analysis of Dana Rasinova, who since 1997 has been dealing with the case of contactee “Billy” Meier. She has been a member of FIGU for some years, which is an organization created around Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM). This analysis explains the logic leading to the conclusion that the Pleiadians (Plejarans/Plejaren) of Swiss contactee Billy Meier deliberately don’t tell us the truth. They explicitly and strategically lie, feign or disinform. I cannot exclude the fact that they may have good and serious reason to do that.
Editorial Comments
Whilst some see aspects of the alien Other as containing an inherent ‘trickster’ element many others see the visiting ET presence as representing a higher form of intelligence and assume that this implies they are beyond reproach in their ethics and operation. In fact the situation is far more complex and this is why this particular examination of a highly complex Swiss contact case is long overdue and welcome.
The Billy Meier case is decades old, has some of the most dramatic visual evidence ever recorded and the contacts claim to be ongoing to this day. This article by a member of the Czech Exopolitics team also strangely synchronizes with the release of a rare statement by Meier’s oldest son. His comments link nicely into the core questions that are raised here i.e.: not that the Meier contact case is a hoax, his son known this not to be the case – but instead we enter the shady ground in-between and are asked why both Meier and his ET friends appear to be changing statements over time? Surely a water-tight contact case should reflect an unwavering flow of ‘their truth’? Instead, the more you encounter those contact cases we could assume to be authentic, the more you come to be aware that a multitude of high-strangeness layers are woven into the narrative.
In addition to the simple notion that both human experiencers and the various ET groups they encounter are as fallible as the rest of us, some other ideas can also be advanced for the often bizarre turn-arounds and deceptions that appear in longer term accounts. In Meier’s case he interacts with a rather unique type of human-like ET group. Although they make profound contributions on a technical and spiritual level, they often also appear humorless and verging on the Puritanical. An interesting response to their approach is that they layer situations with ‘plausible deniability’ meaning that the uber-sceptics will simply find an aspect of the case incredulous and this facilitates this group a ‘way out’. For all we know such a tool has worked well for them in previous planetary scenarios. In a case with such vast dataset [Meier’s voluminous contact notes] such a policy is at least worth thought and in fact occurs in regular terrestrial intelligence disinformation ploys in a slightly different manner.
Another possibility lays in the fact that many ET groups, who adhere to the presumably ethical ‘first directive’ of non-interference in developing worlds, are obviously playing a fairly tight game between nudging the evolution of an individual/culture/planet and conversely having things accelerate in the wrong direction – such as being taken for intervening ‘Gods’ perhaps. It is also possible that they may see this delicate disclosure balance tipping and have to somehow reverse the process by a few degrees – thus what was once a ‘solid fact’ is self-debunked or wholly denied.
Whatever the overlaying agenda for shifts in the evidentiary base of cases such as Billy Meier’s it never seems to detract sufficiently from the positive or central tenets of the narrative sufficiently to make the scenario so laughable that it withers away from view. Instead is seems more likely that we should get used to such contradictions in the clash of human-alien cultures as they’re maybe just a currently poorly understood aspect of impending integration with new worlds of knowledge.
David Griffin, M.Sc., Exopolitics UK
More info at:
The Analysis: Why Billy Meier’s Pleiadians lie and disinform
In this analysis I’ll try to explain what leads me to the conclusion that the Pleiadians (Plejarans/Plejaren) of Swiss contactee Billy Meier don’t tell us the truth deliberately. I assume that they explicitly and strategically lie, feign or disinform. I cannot exclude the fact that they may have good and serious reason to do that. This analysis is not at all intended for skeptics who have not understood yet that Billy Meier is a real contactee. This text they will probably consider as particularly absurd. I conclude from the fact that Billy Meier provided sufficient number of proofs of various types:
metal samples;
beamship video footage;
biological samples;
dozens of eyewitness;