The bus driver’s shocking encounter

The bus driver’s shocking encounter

The whole affair happened in 2013 or 2014 in late October. A bus driver who is living in Telc (historical city 176 km southeast of the Prague) described an encounter that is hounting him for many years and can’t get rid of it at all, because he is absolutely not able to understand, what has happened then. For fear of disbelieve and mockery he has never talked to anyone about. For the first time he dared to share it in the local hairdresser’s to the stylist Ilona, when he came to have his hair cut. They knew themselves prior to his experience.

He said:

„This day I was driving the bus on my regular bus line from Jihlava to Telc. It was October and very cold. In the bus were six passengers only and a friend, who was sitting beside me in the passenger seat. My bus was the last line service with start at 11 pm from Jihlava. It is 39 km from Jihlava to Telc.

Our trip run normally until the town Třešť. Somewhere outside the town, the road edging by fields for both sides. Suddenly a movement caugth my attention coming out of the field. I took a notice of some children. As if they were running around the field. They have been moving close to something that resembled a tractor or an agricultural machine. I slowed the bus and wanted to inspect the scene because I have been wondering why the kids at night running around the field. What are they doing there? It seemed the kids have been more than one. My friend on the passenger seat said in surprise: ‚What is doing those children on the field unsupervised at night?‘ And pointing his finger to the place where we have seen the children.

I recall one strange thing, that the ‚children‘ have been seen, althought it was dark.

They were illuminated by something or resting in a light haze. The light source can not be determined at all. In that moment I was driving nearly at walking pace. In spite of the fact I thought about stop the bus, but somehow I have been afraid to do it. I was afraid, but my fear has been very weird. It has not been normal fear. I can’t describe it. There happened something afterwards, you wouldn’t have understood it anymore. All of a sudden I have found myself on some 100 meters ahead. We ended up behind the place where the children were very fast. As if the bus skipped forward.



All this was accompanied by a sudden dark, and we were ahead abruptly without remembering even the 100 meters drive. Imagine: I was watching the ‚children‘, now total darkness set in just for a second and next second I have been a bit further on the road. Just those children have been a bit back in a flash. It was a shock!

I do not know what happened, how could I have leaped with the bus forward, and have not been aware of? Simply, I didn’t remember the very stretch of the road, having been driven through.

Having approarched the scene I recall a tree by the roadside being at the children’s level. After that, in one second a tree disappeared and the bus has been a bit further. I have never experienced before. It occurred to me that I could back up in order to see what was going on there. At that moment, I’ve got the feeling of invictible fear. It was almost panic. I was afraid of even to turn my head towards those children.

These weird ‚children‘ saw even the passengers (six people), and my friend.“

Released by Project Alfa – 2017

Czech republic


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